Your Vision. Delivered.

Unity Surfacing Systems
...a world-class industry leader setting the standard by which all others are measured.
Unity is the first and only company to introduce a “self-interlocking system”. In today’s market it is now the revolutionary “Button-Lock™” Technology that literally snap and hook the projection of one tile into the recession of another tile. Further strengthen the Pull-Force of our products, both horizontally AND vertically as it is locked into place in ALL directions. For ground level installations, you can also look at our “bolt-down” capabilities another safety feature that can only be found here.
Please click the photograph below which will direct you to the appropriate area of our website that would best fit your needs:
Rooftop Pavers:

Playground Surfacing:

Our products are produced with heat and pressure in a controlled manufacturing facility to insure the highest level of safety, quality, durability, longevity and safety standards in the industry. This type of technological advancement increases the life span of our products that will last for many years to come. To learn more we invite you to continue scrolling through our website.

If you are interested in some of the OEM products and services that we have to offer, such as Wear-Pads and Rubber-Curbs, Please ask us about other OEM products that we can produce exclusively for you and your customers as we have twelve (12) acres and 50,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space to do so.